Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 2- 8/13/10


This team is fantastic! Here is a team that has been wanting to go to Haiti since February! This team consists of those who had applied for our first trip but were not selected- when I contacted them about this upcoming trip, they were excited to finally get their turn. The team was assembled for a trip in July but the trip was postponed until August. Then when their turn came, our flight was delayed at the terminal and they had to wait ONE MORE DAY! Ah, the frustration. Finally, here we are in Haiti traveling to our first project. The team jumps into getting to know other team members from around the country during our 3 hour bus ride from Port-au-Prince to Gonaives. As a leader I feel the pride of a proud papa as I observe this group of servants jump in with both feet. The moment arrives as we pull through the front gate of the Mapu project and our team dives into action with the kids as they are warmly greeted by 80 Haitian little brothers and sisters! Playing, loving, singing songs- being the hands and feet of Christ- suddenly the frustration and disappointment is gone in an instant with a smiling face of a Haitian child!
Mapu is in great need by my observation. Not enough living quarters for the kids. A large number of kids are sleeping in the church on mats. And yet the pastor felt his greatest need was for a place for the children to eat (which they do need) but is it the greatest need? Our trip leader said that sometimes pastors tell us what they think we want to hear. Why? Is it because they are afraid if the need is too great the American church will shy away from helping? So maybe the pastor starts with a need that won’t scare of the American church. Clearly the need is greater for kids to have proper place to sleep. Some of the kids look like they are struggling with their health- some even suffering from borderline malnutrition. I’m praying for Faith’s role as we visit these projects. Tomorrow we will visit Phaeton, a large project in Gonaives.

Our team time has been very fruitful with members sharing their hearts tonight. And our first bead ceremony went well. I love it when a team is fully engaged and ALL IN!

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