Thursday, June 30, 2011

Flexibility test #1

Well a trip to Haiti is not just any trip- we always have a few surprises that pop up to make sure we are trusting on the Lord for His provision.  Our flight out of Denver was cancelled tonight due to weather in Miami.  So the trip has been bumped by a day with our arrival in Haiti set for Saturday morning.  Working on the possibility of staying an extra day to gain back the one we lost.  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Packing Supplies

Tonight we are packing the supplies we will be taking to Haiti.  Supplies include children's medicines, tooth brushes and toothpaste, peanut butter, kids underwear, blankets and anything else we can fit into our check bags. 
One of my goals this trip is to sit down with Pastor Jeannot and create a list of the ongoing supply need the orphan project has so that with every team that goes down, we are keeping the orphan kids supplied with the most critical of supplies.
We head to the airport tomorrow evening for an overnight flight to Miami and then a connecting flight to Port au Prince first thing Friday morning.  Please pray for our safety.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Faith's June Haiti Team

As we make our final preparations for the upcoming trip that leaves in a couple of days, let me introduce you to our team:
Back row: Chris Conradson, Chuck Landgraf, Bob Schuchard, Pattie Schuchard, Ryan Stewart, Autumn Dreessen, Tami Gustafson, Hayden Camp, Lynn Jacquart, Desiree Chasco
Front row: Heather Haddox, Kennedi Conradson, Michelle Colby, Amanda Folmer

We will be leaving June 30 and returning on July 6.  Please pray for safe travels, good health, and great opportunities to serve those we are going down to be with and sharing the love of Jesus with all those we encounter.  Updates will be posted during the trip and photos will come after the trip.

Faith's response- God's provision

The original water source 1/4 mile away
As a first step in our partnership with Desire, The Global Orphan Project informed us that before anything else, the project needs a well.  When we visited back in March, I was struck by the fact that the caregivers have to walk a quarter mile to a ground well to draw water.  So Faith got busy raising funds for a new well to be drilled on the property of the orphan project.  As a church we participated in a 5K run that allowed people from Faith to raise support funds for the well.  The response was overwhelming- we needed to raise $6,000 for the well and instead raised almost $15,000! 
God's new source of fresh water!
In the months that has followed, Haiti is in the midst of their rainy season.  The situation with the rain has forced the open ground well to be closed because it is contaminated with cholera and is deadly.  Knowing that the well was the only source of water for the 60 orphan kids we sponsor, I was very concerned about how the kids will survive until the new well is drilled.  The rains have made it nearly impossible for vehicles to get back to the project- meaning the well is delayed until the road and weather improves.  Faith has sent funds to help repair the road.  So God has provided a spring where fresh water is coming out of the ground!  Talk about a miracle- close by the project water started coming right out the side of the dry river bank.  The community is currently getting their water from the new, God-given source! 

Our team leaves in two days to go to minister to the children of Desire, and no doubt, we will be ministered to by the kids, the caregivers and Pastor Jeannot and his family.  I am super excited to see all the changes occuring at the project including the building of homes for the kids, and maybe perhaps with the timing, the well will begin to be drilled!  Please pray for our team and continue to pray for the kids of Desire!

The March trip in a few minutes- courtesy of John Crane

I was going back over all the memories of the March trip as I prepare for the upcoming trip we leave for in just a couple of days and I remembered John putting together all the images he shot set to kids singing at Jumecourt.  For those of you who haven't seen it- here you go: