Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Journey

Well it's been a while since I last posted.  I am only a handful of hours from waking up and beginning another journey to Haiti with the Global Orphan Project.  My mind is racing through a mental checklist to make sure I don't forget anything- if I do, I'll discover what it is about the time we reach DIA.
This current team has been waiting for this trip since we were postponed back in June.  And now we are going to a new location to see if the Lord would have us serving in Gonaives for the long term...  It's kind of funny to me- I had Gonaives on my radar for a potential place to serve.  Located in northern Haiti, Gonaives is the third largest city in Haiti and still suffering from the effects of two hurricanes in 2008- so the need is great.  Gonaives is also located geographically fairly close to other interests that Faith already has established in Haiti like our Compassion Child Survival Project in Limbe and Emmaus Biblical Seminary in Cap Haitien.
When the Global Orphan Project presented two opportunities for Faith to serve, we felt compelled to go to Port Salut in southwest Haiti because of the two options, that was the one with the greatest need.  Now over a month later we are exploring long term opportunities in northern Haiti.  God works in funny ways.  So now I just pray that the Lord will make our next steps very clear.

Reports from the field coming soon...


  1. can't wait for you updates from Haiti!!!.. Def will be praying for you and the team :)

  2. Will pray & fast for God's leading & protection. Send pics if you can.
