Friday, October 10, 2014

Arrival in Haiti

This morning our team got an early start as we boarded a 6:15 am flight for Haiti.  Our flight was smooth but when we landed in Port au Prince we discovered that they had a torrential downpour last night and it apparently knocked out a lot of power around the city including the airport.  We entered a darkened airport and suddenly memories of 2010 came back as we had to wrangle our bags just like the old days before the great airport improvements.

Once we cleared customs we found our van and loaded up for the journey to Gonaives.  This afternoon we ventured up to the Desire project and had time with the kids.  As I continue to come back time after time with teams, I find myself surprised at how quickly I tend settle into a mindset of "here we are again" only to be jolted into remembering the call on our church to love and care for these orphan children- and I suddenly feel convicted (in a good way) to lead the charge of God's call for His work in Haiti. The kids aren't just pictures on my phone or computer- they are alive little miracles that God Himself created with a specific purpose.  And in our limited time with them, we need to do all that God has called us to do.

I am really excited for this week- I get to pour myself out and be used- I now pray that I am used effectively.

The team is well but tired.  We are turning in for a good night's rest and a jam-packed day tomorrow!

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