My devotional time with The Lord has been focusing on trusting Him, even when it's hard to see what He's doing in the moment. It's having a long view knowing that God is using everything for good; trusting Him in the storm. On every trip to Haiti, I do wrestle with this because it seems that the country has so far to go to become a place where poverty is minimized and orphans having someone to care for them. But then it's a verse like this that reminds me that God is in control: ""See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand. (Deuteronomy 32:39 ESV). It's easy get caught up in the enormity of it all in Haiti and yet, I have to be reminded that God called our church to come alongside and care for a few in Haiti. We care for 69 orphan children and the people who provide long term care for them- Pastor Jeannot, his family, the mamas and staff at the project. And when I take a step back and see what God has accomplished, not because of us, but because we were faithful to His leading, I find joy in His work and marvel at how far in two years The Lord has brought the Desire project. Praise God!
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