Saturday, January 14, 2012

A New Year- A New Adventure

2011 was a great year as we found our partner in Haiti through the local church in Desire and the orphan project.  With four trips to Desire in 2011, God has done a great work in transforming our own congregation as we sought His will do serve the local church and orphans.  In almost two years there have been 80 different people from Faith that have stepped out to follow the Lord's call on their life to serve on a short term mission team in Haiti.  God is good.

This coming Monday on the 16th, another team from Faith will be making the journey to Haiti to serve the local church and orphans to kick off another year in Haiti.  This team will be teaching English to the orphan kids as well as community kids who attend the school at Desire.  Almost a year and a half ago, I felt a call that we should try to teach English to the kids of Desire.  In a country where around 85% of the population is unemployed, I heard statistically that if a Haitian can speak English, they would have 10 times better chance at getting a job than those who do not speak English.  Our vision is to help make a difference in the lives of the orphan children- sharing the gospel, discipling them to grow closer in their walk with the Lord and to set them up for a fruitful, productive life as they grow up- and one of those helpful things that we can do as a congregation is to teach English.

So as we finish packing our supplies, we ask the Lord to guide us, to give us direction and to be flexible.  We ask the Lord to give us His eyes to see, to love, and to continue to build strong relationships with the children, Pastor Jeannot, and the staff and community of Desire.  I am excited for this team!

At the end of 2011, we finished a project to help make our Desire kids more known to our congregation.  In August we took pictures of each child and in October we had them paint a frame that later we would put their photo into.  The pictures are up on a wall at Faith and each frame has the name of the child on their own frame that they painted.  Now people from our congregation can take the time to study the faces of the 63 kids and learn their names so that one day- they can go to Haiti and meet these kids in person!

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