Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 4- 8/15/10


Had a wonderful morning of worship at the church in Mapu with Pastor Woodman. There was a ton of special music by various choirs- probably especially for us. My experience in Haiti has been that they go all out for their guest and make the worship extra special. There were choirs from surrounding churches coming to join us for worship. My buddy and teammate John gave the message to the congregation. It was a 3 hour experience that didn’t feel that long at all.
Before heading out of town we stopped to play with the kids at Beinac one more time. Again, it was fun to engage the kids in songs and games. It was tough for the team to leave because they had grown attached to these kids in a short time.

Our last night in Haiti we stayed in a place called Kalico Beach Resort. Part of the reason for doing this was to show the team some of the jewels and potential that Haiti has in some of its beauty. But as we arrived at the resort it was a shock to the team. Given all that they’ve seen and experienced with the orphan children- somehow it didn’t seem fair to be staying at a place like this. All of Haiti is just outside the gates of this place while we rest at a beach, swim in a pool, and find reasonable comfort all the while reflecting back on the many kids at Mapu who don’t even have a bed. I think it was a good experience- we need to wrestle with that tension and discover what each of us is to do about it.

Psalm 67:1-2, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations.”

God, why are we blessed? Did we win some cosmic lottery by being born in America? Do we have a responsibility with our blessings? Yes- I think we do. God, help me to give without holding on selfishly because it’s all from You anyway! I need to trust you more.

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