One of the interesting comments I got from a student about Americans is that she really enjoys our team because Americans are so warm and outgoing. That is culturally very different in Latvia. People pretty much keep to themselves and it is rare for someone to say hello on the street or engage in conversation with someone who is serving you as a cashier in a store. They don't know you so there is no reason to say anything. As Americans some of us do like to talk with people that are serving us or saying hi to someone on the street just as a courtesy. It's an interesting observation. Most of the students have really warmed up to us in camp now that we are 4 days in. That's great especially with them hearing the gospel tomorrow. We are praying for the students and the group leaders as students respond and react to the gospel story and consider the decision that is put in front of them.
Everyone is definitely feeling the grind of camp. We need to find space to catch our breath. A half hour break here and there helps re-energize the tank. The team is doing well and staying healthy so we appreciate your prayers. Please continue praying for the latter stages of the camp and that the Lord would draw students to Himself.