Thursday, June 30, 2016

Day 4 of Camp

The day started early as a few of us joined in on a men's breakfast at the church.  We joined in on a Bible study where we were studying John 10:1-18.  It was great tomspendmtimewith some men from the church.  Today was a great day at camp but everyone looked a bit tired from swimming the day before.  Relationships with students is continuing to grow and the students we find are much more conversational in their English outside of the classes than in the class.  That's okay, the point is they are talking and sharing a bit of their lives.

One of the interesting comments I got from a student about Americans is that she really enjoys our team because Americans are so warm and outgoing.  That is culturally very different in Latvia.  People pretty much keep to themselves and it is rare for someone to say hello on the street or engage in conversation with someone who is serving you as a cashier in a store.  They don't know you so there is no reason to say anything.  As Americans some of us do like to talk with people that are serving us or saying hi to someone on the street just as a courtesy.  It's an interesting observation.  Most of the students have really warmed up to us in camp now that we are 4 days in.  That's great especially with them hearing the gospel tomorrow.  We are praying for the students and the group leaders as students respond and react to the gospel story and consider the decision that is put in front of them.

Everyone is definitely feeling the grind of camp.  We need to find space to catch our breath.  A half hour break here and there helps re-energize the tank.  The team is doing well and staying healthy so we appreciate your prayers.  Please continue praying for the latter stages of the camp and that the Lord would draw students to Himself.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 3 of Camp

Our day three at camp started like the other days so far- campers reported to camp at 10 am and we had our morning meeting, video and journal time.  What happened after that was a surprise to the campers, well mostly, because we told them to bring appropriate clothes and swim wear.  We loaded up and went to a lake about 10 kilometers away from the town to enjoy a day of relationship building, swimming, paddle boating, cooking lunch, the talk, discussion groups and finally the all-American favorite s'mores.

The weather was perfect and the day was fun for everyone.  Tomorrow we resume our schedule from English camp.  We have three days of camp left so we just got over the halfway mark of camp.  During our team meeting tonight after dinner, I encouraged the team to stay focused and energetic to push through to the end of camp.  We still have a lot to do and we are working on building deeper relationships with the kids and being that bridge to the local church leaders at camp.

I've been especially encouraged because the church's pastor has been here most of the time and he has been leading the talks to the students.  This is not the norm- so the fact that the pastor is here also building relationships with the students is a huge win for this camp.  I'd ask you to join us in praying for these relationships that are developing as the students hear the gospel this week.  Many seeds are being planting and we are trusting the Lord for the fruit.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 2 of Camp

So we just completed the second day of the camp and you may be wondering what happened to day one.  My apologies- yesterday was crammed with so much activity and then prepping for day two that I didn't get to bed until 1:30 am. and just couldn't squeeze a post in.  Day one was a mix of chaos, craziness, and wonderful moments by God's grace that I would refer to it as a beautiful mess.  We've had 32 campers come with one more coming tomorrow making it 33.  I had been praying for 30 and Anna and Ingus, our camp directors, had been praying for 40 to come.  All I can say is Praise God!  We are full, stretching at the seams and stretching our resources to accommodate this great group of students!

Our second day was great as we had the chance to continue building relationships with students.  This week our team is constantly thinking and challenging themselves to "be the bridge" to the local church and the local church team that is leading the discussions with the students.  I think the best way to describe our day is to let the pictures tell the story...

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Church in Limbazi

This will be a short blog post because we've been busy setting up for camp this afternoon and it's now almost midnight- still kind of light out too by the way.  We had a wonderful experience worshipping this morning at the church we are partnering with for camp.  It is so good to be with brothers and sisters in Christ from another culture expressing our love for God.  The beauty is language doesn't matter- we all can express worship in our own language and God gets it.  

Pray that our first day though likely chaotic, comes together well with the campers finding out which class they will be assigned to.  We need lots of energy so they are excited to be here.  We certainly are, but we are a little drained from the work of preparing the school for camp.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Exploring Limbazi

Today was a pretty laid back day as our team and the intern team hung out together swimming at the lake, playing volleyball and basketball all the while hoping to connect with local youth.  The lake was busy with a lot of families celebrating the holiday weekend.  We didn't encounter a lot of youth hanging out in the areas we went looking.  But we are excited that we have 25 students registered for camp.

Tomorrow we have the honor of worshiping in the local church we are working with.  We are super excited to meet the church family as well as experience our first Latvian service since arriving.

After church we will be going into full camp mode as we will meet with all three teams and hit all the day by day details of camp and transform the school into the camp facilities.  Then on Monday we will start the first of our six day camp.  We would love and appreciate your prayers that all the logistics and details come together without serious challenges.

We've been praying for this community and asking the Lord to use us this coming week to connect people to the local church we are serving and that we would be a reflection of God's heart for the people here.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Arrival in Limbazi

Today our team finished our orientation session in Riga.  I have to say I am super appreciative for the orientation sessions designed to prepare our team for the upcoming camp.  I feel like our team has a good idea of what to expect even though we still have much to do to be ready for students on Monday morning.

The intern team we will be working with joined up with us at the hotel.  After lunch we all got on a bus for the trip to Limbazi.  The rest of the afternoon was spent settling into our accommodations at the school and getting to know our new friends.  We then had dinner at the church where we had a chance to meet the Limbazi church team and enjoy great food together.

Tomorrow will be a bit laid back and preparing the school for the camp- setting up classrooms, meeting rooms and audio visual equipment.  I didn't take many pictures today but I have this one of the church:

Please pray for our final preparations and that there be clarity for all the logistics for camp come together in the next couple of days.  

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Solstice Celebration in Latvia

Yesterday we spent the bulk of the day in orientation for camp.  We changed up our schedule so that we could spend time in old Riga last night as Latvians began celebrating a two day holiday event ushering in the summer.  Yesterday was Ligo- a celebration for the shortest night of the year, is an ancient celebration where nature and fertility are celebrated.  Jani, which is the celebration for summer solstice, marks the longest day of the year.  There are traditions of burning pillars of fire from sunset to sunrise, making wreathes out of various flowers, wheat and leaves and most importantly, singing and dancing.  All of these traditions are pagan in origin because they predate Christianity.

We had a chance to walk around the the beautiful old town in Riga, listen to a lot of music and join thousands of people gather along the banks of the Daugava River watching performances of traditional Latvian folk songs.  It was definitely cultural experience that was interesting to observe while we are here.

Our missing luggage was recovered and brought to us yesterday so everyone has their bag and we now have all the equipment for camp.  We spend a half day today finishing our orientation before setting out to the town of Limbazi where we will settle in for the next week and a half.  We will be spending time in town with some activities, preparing for camp, go to church on Sunday and the camp starts

on Monday morning and run through Saturday.

This afternoon we will meet the rest of the team for our camp- the Josiah Venture interns and the Limbazi local church team.  I'm excited to get our three team together.  Pray for unity and the details of camp.  Latest report has 25 students registered for camp and I know through some activities over the next couple of days, we are hoping to recruit even more students.

I am hoping for wifi at the school where we will be making no our home for the next week and a half.  If we have it, then I will continue posting to the blog.  If you don't see anything for a few days, you will know that we have internet challenges.

Enjoy the following photos from yesterday!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

In Latvia

I'm with a team that left the States on Tuesday to journey to Latvia for a an English/Sports Camp with Josiah Venture in the town of Limbazi.  We have arrived minus a few of our checked bags.  That's a first for me.  I've been fortunate over 10 years of leading trips that all our bags arrive with us- until now.  We are praying that a couple of our team members are reunited with their personal bags and the third bag containing many of our camp supplies shows up before camp actually starts on Monday.  Surely they will right?

Our team is now in the midst of adjusting to the 9 hour time difference and getting a little cultural perspective as we venture out into Riga today and start our orientation for camp.  We've got a great team and I'm excited to meet the interns and the local church team we will be working with for the next couple of weeks.

Please pray for our continued adjustment to Latvia and for our bags.  Oh, and another one of the adjustments is getting used to sunrise at 3:30 am and sunset at 11:30 pm- that's a lot of daylight!