It's been 4 years since I last worshipped at Pastor Pudens' church called Philadelphia. The church is completely different because it was under construction when I was there last. We were some of the first to arrive and service started with an hour and a half worship/prayer time with brief moments of prayer as a segue into the next song. The message was inspiring- especially since we got it translated and for those of us English speakers, we felt a part of the 3 hour service. Yes, I said 3 hours but it didn't feel like it because after all our focus was on Christ.
This afternoon we arrived at our final destination before we depart the country tomorrow. Expecting to get on the road to the airport in the morning, I'm sure the team will turn in early to get some rest.
As I reflect on this trip, and there is more reflection coming, I am thrilled to have been invited to this exchange. I've learned a lot, I caught the passion that educators in Haiti have for teaching students and have a new found respect for their work. I want to see them succeed. And I hope in some small way, my contribution was found helpful for the teachers.