Monday, January 31, 2011

Spring Break Team

January of 2011 is coming to an end and we are in full swing for planning our trips to Haiti this year.  Our Spring Break team has been selected and we are beginning to bond as a unit having met two times so far.  Our team from Faith is a great mixture- 10 college students, 6 returning members, 14 who have never been before.  The gifting of this team is great and I am exciting to take this team to Gonaives in northern Haiti and begin building our partnership with the Fayeton project.  More to come as the team prepares...

We are praying for the country of Haiti in the wake of the election mess that exists- right now the run-off election is scheduled for March 20th- three days after we are scheduled to leave the country.  This could impact our trip- given the climate of the people of Haiti, our trip may be cutting it too close to the election raising concern for our safety.  Depending on the advice of Pastor Moise, we will plan accordingly.  Join me in praying for a peaceful process.