Monday, December 27, 2010

What's Next?

2010 has been an amazing year for me personally.  I have been challenged, stretched, broken, blessed and encouraged all along the way.  Haiti has become a huge thing for me- its people, its churches, its children, and most importantly, its orphans.  God has given our church an incredible vision to make a difference in the country- and the way He has allowed us to be a part of that is through our partnership with The Global Orphan Project.  If you have read the postings to this point, you understand how God has enabled our church to go to Haiti with The Global Orphan Project.  And now we are ready for the next step as a church and I am ready for my next step personally.
It has been proposed that we will partner with a project in Haiti's third largest city of Gonaives.  Fayeton is expanding due to some pressing needs that the children of Gonaives have.  In March of 2011 we will be sending a team to Fayeton to begin the process of building a deep, rich relationship with the local church, the mommas, the staff, and the kids.  I am excited for this opportunity- having been there earlier this year, the need is great and I am excited for the fruit that will come out of a relationship that will greatly bless our congregation as well.
I love The Global Orphan Project and the mission that they have around the world.  I recently re-read what they are all about, and as I read their purpose, my excitement for the work that God is doing was rekindled!

This is from the Global Orphan Project:
The GO Project embraces a culturally-relevant, community-based model, partnering with the local church to provide children with the Good News of Jesus Christ, a house momma, a safe place to live, two meals a day, an education, and access to medical care.  GO also recognizes economic development as a way to reduce the number of orphans in the world.  They launch local businesses that provide jobs, training, and help underwrite the costs of orphan care ministry.  Finally, due to a few donors that cover overhead costs, 100% of donations to the children go to provide care for the children.
The global orphan pandemic will rise or fall based on people responding to God's invitation to care for His kids.  This year more than 500 Americans have already traveled to Haiti with The Global Orphan Project to care for orphaned and abandoned children.  Thousands more have given to help.

Want to know more?  I would love to share personally our experience with The Global Orphan Project or you could check out their website at

Psalm 117

Christmas is now past and the time for relaxing and spending time with family seems to be slipping away so quickly.  A week from now we'll be back on the road heading back home.  As I sit in the living room of my brother and sister-in-law's home, I reflect back on an amazing year that God has allowed me to play a part in.  This morning I read and mediatated on Psalm 117 which says, "Praise the Lord, all nations!  Extol him, all peoples!  For great is his steadfast love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.  Praise the Lord!"
My heart can't help but pray for the nation of Haiti.  The recent elections seemingly has done nothing to bring a better future for the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.  With a controversial run-off election slated for mid-January, it's hard to imagine a better outcome.  But as the psalmist says in Psalm 117- great is His steadfast love towards us- His faithfulness endures forever.  Maybe I can't change anything in Haiti; maybe even the Haitians can't change things in Haiti.  But the Lord can!  Thank God it's in His hands- we just need to trust Him.  So I will continue to pray that the Lord raises up His people to do His work in the country of Haiti- because they are there, and they need our prayers.